Frequently Asked Questions
How many sessions would I need?
Each client and their situation is unique so our counselling work is not bound by the number of sessions. Often, time and financial resources are limited. These factors can be discussed in our sessions and decided collaboratively.
Would the extended health coverage from my employment cover my counselling fees?
If your work’s extended health coverage covers counselling by a Registered Clinical Counsellor then our session fees will be covered. Please confirm with your employer.
If there is extended health coverage, the client first makes payment for the session, and a receipt will be issued which the client can use to claim for reimbursement through their extended health plan.
Can I terminate at any time?
Yes, you may terminate your sessions at any time. Clients may terminate their sessions for a variety of reasons. The counselling sessions are for your benefit so you may discontinue at any time. It is possible to schedule further sessions at a later date when the need arises.
I am in crisis right now, what can I do?
It may take time to find the right counsellor and to set up an appointment. If you or someone you know are at imminent risk of suicide , please call 911 or go to the hospital emergency nearest you. If the risk is not imminent, call the BC Crisis Centre 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433), phone lines are available in over 140 languages using a language service, or the Distress Line at 604-872-3311. The Crisis Centre website ( provides a full list of phone numbers and links to support services available.